Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monument Valley

Monument Valley
by John Rustywire
In the sandstone of high mesas

in monuments of stone

rising high above me

touching the sky

here they wait

the holy people of days gone by

yo, it is my homeland

I stand before it

yo, I am one with it

red sandstone

glowing pink at sunset

standing in the changing light

in shadows I find myself

watching the colors dance

slowly on the rock they move

mythic figures, gods and yeis

each shadow changing light and life

is it so




here I stand


let the dawn find me

oh, sweet early morning light

touch me forever

let the cold flow from me

help me stand

in the noon day sun

radiant, alive and in peace

give me life

yea, I sing of it

let there be light where I walk

let there be light where I have gone

let there be light in all that I do

there in the cool of evening

blue silent shadows extending

this is where I stand

let the fingers of Dawn reach out to me

yasho it is good

yasho it is life

yasho I am one with it all

I have survived mountains

I have survived mesas

I have survived all that is on earth

yasho, I live

I am one with it

the sky

the trees

the earth

I have survived

I have survived

I live

I live

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