Monday, December 21, 2009

Cow Feathers

Over the weekend I was at the trading post and happened to see a nice
harley pull up, a 1200 custom job, with extended forks and a guy got
off with a grizzled beard, dark glasses and leather vest.

He came in the store and was looking for bottled water. at the counter he stood in front of me and I could see a tattoo on his arm. It was a picture in color of a cows head, more a texas longhorn head with two indian feathers sticking out of the side of it.

I have never seen a tatoo like that before and it made me laugh. He
looked at me and I didn't say anything.

I noticed he paid with a credit card and had perfect teeth. I suspect he was a yuppie who came from the city and was trying to fit in.

He left the trading post and got on his motorcycle and I could see him
bouncing up and down the rutted road heading to Two Gray Hills to buy
a Navajo rug.

He was going to have a pretty bumpy ride on that road and I could see he bounced all the way down the road and disappeared over the horizon going very slow.

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